According to research, more than 70% of renters own cats or dogs. Pet owners and lovers know how important it is to give their dog or cat a happy, healthy life at home, no matter where you live.

Whether you’re bringing home your first pet or a pet owner with years of experience, caring for your pet in an apartment means being aware of your neighbors, choosing breeds that will be comfortable in your space, ensuring you can provide adequate exercise and helping them to socialize appropriately.

Here are 5 tips to make living in an apartment an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Choose Your Breed Wisely
When you choose a pet, it’s important to think carefully about their personality, size, lifestyle and needs. An anxious dog breed who barks a lot and has high energy probably won’t be comfortable for long in an apartment. Some breeds of cat can be extremely high energy, especially as kittens, and they’ll want to climb and scratch. Take the time to read up on the different types of pets you’re interested in bringing home, then prepare your apartment for them so that you can both live comfortably together.

Dogs and cats need exercise to stay healthy, and some breeds of dog may need more than others. Be sure to establish an exercise routine with your pets, to help them stay active, get their energy out and feel their best. For dogs, this may mean taking several long walks a day, visiting dog parks and throwing the ball. For cats, you may need to set aside 15 minutes twice a day with the laser pointer, cat wands or other cat toys.

Tall Spaces for Cats
Cats like to stay up high, so they can look out and observe what’s happening around them. They’re happiest if they have tall spaces to climb to and rest. Make sure to keep a few cat towers with scratching posts in your apartment, to give them proper space to rest and relax. It’ll save you from discovering them on top of your kitchen cabinets or worse, hanging from your drapes.

Play Time & Grooming
Animals connect with you through play, and almost every animal has some kind of grooming needs. Cats will need play time for their exercise, and longer haired breeds will need to be regularly brushed. Your dog may need to throw the ball or work on puzzles. Depending on the breed, you may need to take him to the groomer once a month or bathe him weekly. Be sure to check with your veterinarian on appropriate grooming habits for your dog, as these can vary.

Most dogs require some amount of training to help them learn structure. Enrolling in a basic puppy training course can do wonders for dogs and new dog owners. Depending on your breed, they may also benefit from agility courses that keep their bodies and minds stimulated. Dog training can also be a great way to begin to socialize your pup and meet other dog owners just like you – a win for everyone!